
Exterior Painting in Peabody, MA

A lot of work goes into exterior painting for homes and commercial properties, and a critical step in the process is planning and color selection. Few people realize the level of importance involved with selecting the right exterior paint color, until they see the new color in place. The outside of your home or business is what makes the first impression, make it a point to choose a color that will make a positive one. At Becker General Services, we are experts in the world of color consultation, as well as actual craftsmanship.

Exterior Residential & Commercial Painting Service

This is because we have been working together with local clients since 1981 and know what it takes to provide our clients with total satisfaction. This is not something that you can do if the customer is not happy with the final look, even if that means the color and not the actual labor. When you hire us for your painting work, it is about partnering together to get the job done, not simply executing the task at hand.


Don’t overlook the importance of getting professional exterior painting taken care of for your commercial space, as well. This can be the difference between luring in new clients and losing them to your competition.

Let this family owned and operated business provide you with the level of quality service that will help make a difference for your home or business. Give us a call today, and let us prove to you why we are the top local painter in the Peabody, MA area.

Our Exterior Painting Services Include:

  • Stucco & Concrete
  • Brick & Stone
  • Doors & Windows
  • Soffit, Fascia & Eaves
  • Rain Gutters & Metal Flashing
  • Garage Doors & Entry Doors
  • Garage Epoxy Composite Floors
  • Shutters
  • Pressure Washing
  • Wrought Iron Fences, Railings
  • Perimeter Fences
  • Natural Wood Surfaces
  • Decks, Gazebos & Patio Covers
  • Staining & Refinishing
  • Repairs and Carpentry